Buying Gold?

It’s several years since I bought gold, in fact it was probably 2005! Whats the best way of doing this at present?

Are there any gold buying sites you recommend? Or do you have any stories about buying gold to share?



Are you interested in a low level service?

Hey, sorry again for not many updates, been busy with other projects!

I’m interested to know if any of my readers would be interested in a ‘low level’ powerleveling service?

This would be a 1 to 20 or maybe 1 to 40 service with a guaranteed no-bot, ‘hand level’ service only?

Let me know in the comments guys.



Warhammer Online

Hi guys, thanks for the comments and sorry for not updating recently. I’ve kind of stopped playing WoW since just before WoTLK came out and have moved my attention to Warhammer Online.

Its a great game, however I managed to only level my character to 20 (top level is 40) before I started taking too much time, which I did not have much of.

So I looked about for any way of running a bot and found a great site which offers a bot which you can purchase for $20 or so, cant remember the exact cost.

Anyway with this bot program I was able to get my character from 20 to 40 in about 2 weeks of casual botting! I’m very pleased with the program and how easy it is to set your own paths up etc. Now I’m enjoying my time at level 40 and all the action that goes with it!!

Until next time!


Lack of updates, oops.

Hi folks, I’ve not had chance to check in here, had a ton of comments to approve, and a lot of spam comments, making out that they were real comments, deleted! Mostly from other PL companies who were trying to drive more traffic to their sites.

Anyway, not a lot to report. Been enjoying playing my 70 Warlock in several 25 mans and doing some PvP with it too, lots of fun.




Long Time, no post!?

Well, glad to see some folks are still checking my site! It’s been a long time since I posted any update. So to bring you up to date in case you are interested 🙂
The character/account I had power levelled to 60 is, wait for it…..61! Yes thats right, I hardly ever play on it now!
The character I bought is obvioulsy still at 70, I played a fair amount on that but most of my time has been enjoyed on
the character I have ‘hand reared’ to 70 myself! Thats the one I enjoy to be honest.

Since levelling to 60 has gotten a whole lot easier recently, I expect the prices have dropped a whole lot to match. Getting to 60 now is nothing like it used to be! The real push is needed from 60 to 70, thats when it can become a chore!

Anyway, until next time,
So long……

All’s well that ends well!

Well I realise its nearly 3 months since my last post and the end of the levelling by but would you believe I have only just checked on the character!

Last night I logged in to the account management page and transferred the character to another  WoW account I have, which is already in the same surname as this one. I was asked the answer to the secret question on the account and had to pay £15.

Just got an email to say the transfer is done and I have now logged in to see the character for the first time!

Not too shabby I must say, 300+ gold on the account, 40% mount and all bag slots full mostly with standard trash though. The character was left in Winterspring, which is the last area I saw him levelling in, I kind of miss those days checking in on my leveller Don, if you are reading this Don, get in touch mate 🙂

So there we are. A lot has happened since I last wrote 2 months ago. Towards the end of the power levelling process I actually ended up buying an account from somebody with a level 70 rogue and 61 hunter on it. So thats the main reason I have not been in a rush to check on this one.

Back in February I also botted a warlock character to 60 which did take a lot of time and effort on my part but would probably be easier if I was to ever do it again.

So to summarise.

  • I have botted a warlock to 60
  • I have bought a powerlevel to 60 for a rogue
  • I have bought a level 70 rogue & 61 hunter account

The least hassle has definitely been buying the account from somebody and I have had the most fun with this one although I am fond of my hand ‘reared’ warlock!

One downside to doing any of the above is that you are thrown in at the deep end so to speak, if you have not done the manual grind yourself of the class you are having leveled or whatever you have to learn quickly, sometimes its embarrassing as you are expected to know where you got such and such weapon or what happens in Molten Core or such!

Anyway folks, thats all for now,

Have Fun!

Saturday – It’s all over folks!

Day 35 – The Last Day of the gamepal 1-60 power level experiment!

Well the clock has finally stopped! After several days contacting they have finally confirmed my power level from 1 to 60 is done!….

Gamepal Powerleveling Team:
Hi there. We are sorry for the late reply. We have confirmed that your order has been completed. Kindly change your password right away so that our levelers wont have access to it anymore. We hope to hear from you again. Thank you for choosing Gamepal. Regards, Abby C. Customer Service
(Mar 24, 2007 3:00:12 AM EST)

It took a fair bit of effort to finally get this information from them! Every time I contacted them via their website they directed me to call them on Live Chat via their website. Each time I did they they could not get hold of my power leveler!

Anyway I told them I was rather unhappy with this and asked them to email me ASAP when they found something out. Sure enough a few hours later they sent the above contact to me.

So it’s all over. I went to the blizzard website and pretended I had forgot the password to my account, they promptly emailed me a new one. I have not yet logged in with it, I shall leave it a few more days when I will have to buy a 60 day prepaid card (can you get 30 days ones?).

I’ll be reporting back soon with an overall rating for .

Tuesday – “Blizzards watchful eye!”

Day 31 (Still incrementing this until tell me the account is done)

Well no news to report yesterday. However today I checked my character on the site which really is great. What I have noticed is a lot of the gear has been upgraded, so I think my suspicions of him being logged in a couple days past 60 were correct. I expect he was farming some extra gold to buy better gear, also he has riding skill now which you can see from the armory site.

The gear is nothing outstanding, all green except for one item.

I though it would be interesting to login to the web site today and send them a little email to see what was happening, this is their reply….

Gamepal Powerleveling Team:
Hi there! We do apologize for the long delay. Rest assured, were doing our best to be able to finish your order on time. We understand that you are eager to play your account and we are very excited to complete your order. However, please be informed that the reason why orders are often delayed is because of server downtime and Blizzards watchful eye. Our powerlevelers go online less than 14hours/day to make sure that they go unnoticed by Blizzard because this might result to your account being banned/suspended (which we are avoiding for your best interest). Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope you understand that everything is done for your accounts safety. If you have other inquiries, please visit us anytime at Live Chat. Thank you for choosing gamepal and have a great day! Regards, jamie customer support
(Mar 20, 2007 4:58:03 AM EST)

And then 20 seconds later a very similar reply…..

Gamepal Powerleveling Team:
Hi there! We apologize for the inconvenience but there are some precautionary measures that we just have to consider. Due to frequently downed servers, Blizzards watchful eye, and realistic-looking play times, we would rather err on the side of caution (or longer leveling times) for the safety of your account. We are not just powerleveling your account but we are also trying to preserve your characters in a safe and effective manner, while providing the service we promise on our site. And Im sorry we dont have an accurate estimated time yet. However, we are leveling your account as fast as possible to get you back to your gaming as soon as possible. Regards, Kris Customer Support
(Mar 20, 2007 4:58:21 AM EST)

I received these replies within about 10 minutes of me sending my message to them. Perhaps they are holding on to the account now and not logging in to it before they turn it over to me. This will reduce the chance of a ban. Whatever, I have no intention of logging in to it for a couple of weeks after Don’s final login!

Sunday – Level 60 and still grinding?

Day 29 

Well, I’m pleased to say Don, my powerleveler from hit the big SIX OH – 60 – yesterday. Over the past 3 or 4 days things moved forward pretty quickly. I have a feeling more of the levelling was by hand and not using the bot, after all it would be more efficient and less likely to get him noticed and a subsequent BAN!

So, I expected to get an email from gamepal soon telling me the level is done, but nothing yet. I logged in just now – about 11am and Don is stilll logged in. I had a quick ride round Winterspring looking for him but could not locate him. I can only assume he is perhaps collecting money to buy me some decent gear (hope) or on the other hand he could be using it to sell on, not sure. I really hope he does not attract more attention that is needed.

The good thing is that it was done inside my free 10 days trial plus 30 days free initial play time. Bad news is it was far longer than the initial 12 days quoted on their website.

When I do get the ‘keys to the account’ back I will not be logging in for a while, maybe as long as two weeks. So it will be interesting to see if we get hit with the big bad ban stick!

I’ll report back on any findings as and when I have them.  Thanks for all the comments too guys, keep ’em coming!

Saturday – We hit the big 60!!

Day 28

Just a quick note to say my character is now 60! More news as I have it!!